At UWC Atlantic, the tutor is there to guide each student through their journey at the College. At the start of their time at UWC Atlantic, each student is allocated to a member of staff who becomes their tutor. Generally, these will be members of the teaching staff. A student then stays with their tutor for the duration of their time at UWC Atlantic, only changing in exceptional circumstances.
Each tutor has around ten tutees that they are responsible for and these tutees often come from the same boarding house. This tutor group then becomes an important part of the wellbeing ecosystem at the college. Central to this process is the weekly tutorial, a chance for the tutor group to get together and discuss issues, ask questions and for the tutor to make important announcements. If a student has a more personal issue that they would like to discuss, the tutor can meet them before or after the tutorial or arrange an alternative time.
The tutor also has an advisory role to play in the student’s time at UWC Atlantic. At the start of their first year, the tutor will help a student pick their academic subjects. They help students reflect on their co-curricular experiences, provide references for university and try to help each student get the most out of their UWC Atlantic experience.
As a tutor group usually comes from the same house, the tutors work closely with the house mentors in a wellbeing capacity. They help spot potential issues and work together to solve existing problems. Tutors also become part of the house community by attending open houses, Christmas parties and weekend trips.
The tutor is the first point of contact for parents and guardians. The tutor works closely with the Head of Year 1, Head of Year 2, House Mentors and the Vice Principal of Student Life, Safeguarding (DSP), Wellbeing & Belonging. The tutor is also the first point to coordinate support if needed with the Learning Support Team, including our Additional Learning Needs Coordinator, English as an Additional Needs Teacher and the Counsellors who are based in The Learning Centre.
Our Tutors

Wellbeing Centre